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Showing posts from July, 2018

Why Reading Books Should Be Your Priority, According to Science

When was the last time you read free novels , or a substantial magazine article? Do your daily reading habits center around tweets, Facebook updates, or the directions on your instant oatmeal packet? If you’re one of countless people who don’t make a habit of reading regularly, you might be missing out: reading has a significant number of benefits, and just a few benefits of reading are listed below. 1. Mental Stimulation Studies have shown that staying mentally stimulated can slow the progress of (or possibly even prevent) Alzheimer’s and Dementia, since keeping your brain active and engaged prevents it from losing power. Just like any other muscle in the body, the brain requires exercise to keep it strong and healthy, so the phrase “use it or lose it” is particularly apt when it comes to your mind. Doing puzzles and playing games such as chess have also been found to be helpful with cognitive stimulation. 2. Stress Reduction No matter how much stress you have at work, in your p

How is the habit of book-reading useful to a person

Reading free novels is like going through someone's thought process. It's like reading their mind in and out. That process gives us many insights about life in general. There are many kind of books out there. Depending on what you're reading, they'll be useful to you. I'll classify a few categories according to my knowledge. Please excuse if there are any inaccuracies. Novels : These are works of fiction. They're fun to read. Few books are generally pot boilers with nothing new to teach. Like the book called “If tomorrow comes.” And there are extraordinary books like ‘The Fountainhead’ which teach you a hell lot. Depending on the book, there are many possibilities. If you choose a random erotica or a stupid sassy romance novel, then it's not going to teach you anything. But might give you pleasure. These novels may or may not teach you something new. Non Fiction : These are everything else apart from fiction novels . Now these books will be more on the ‘P

Books Should Be Your Priority, According to Science

More than a quarter--26 percent--of American adults admit to not having read even part of a free novels online within the past year. That's according to statistics coming out of the Pew Research Center. If you're part of this group, know that science supports the idea that reading is good for you on several levels. Reading fiction can help you be more open-minded and creative According to research conducted at the University of Toronto, study participants who read short-story fiction experienced far less need for "cognitive closure" compared with counterparts who read nonfiction essays. Essentially, they tested as more open-minded, compared with the readers of essays. "Although nonfiction reading allows students to learn the subject matter, it may not always help them in thinking about it," the authors write. "A physician may have an encyclopedic knowledge of his or her subject, but this may not prevent the physician from seizing and freezing on a d

A Thousand Splendid Suns reviews

It’s not that hard to understand why Khaled Hosseini’s first novel, “The Kite Runner” (2003), became such a huge best seller, based largely on word of mouth and its popularity among book clubs and reading groups. The novel read like a kind of modern-day variation on Conrad’s “Lord Jim,” in which the hero spends his life atoning for an act of cowardice and betrayal committed in his youth. It not only gave readers an intimate look at Afghanistan and the difficulties of life there, but it also showed off its author’s accessible and very old-fashioned storytelling talents: his taste for melodramatic plotlines; sharply drawn, black-and-white characters; and elemental boldfaced emotions. Whereas “The Kite Runner” focused on fathers and sons, and friendships between men, his latest novel, “A Thousand Splendid Suns,” focuses on mothers and daughters, and friendships between women. Whereas “Kite Runner” got off to a gripping start and stumbled into contrivance and sentimentality in its second

Có nên đầu tư vào dự án park vista

Park vista , do tập đoàn Anpha Corp cùng với Đông Mê Kông cùng bắt tay đầu tư xây dựng, là dòng sản phẩm cao cấp của Khu vực Nam thành phố. du an park vista nằm tại khu 11, có mặt tiền đường Nguyễn Hữu Thọ, hiện nay đã làm bất động sản khu vực phía Nam Sài Gòn nóng lên không ít. Đầu tư dự án lần này, Anpha Corp đã rót không ít kinh phí cũng như sự tận tâm, chăm chút đến từng chi tiết của dự án. Ngay từ những công đoạn đầu những sai sót đã không được cho phép xảy ra, vì, tất cả những điều Anpha Corp mong muốn chính là đem một sản phẩm hoàn thiện nhất giao đến tay khách hàng của họ. Giá các căn hộ thuộc sự án được đánh giá là khá tốt trong bất động sản khu vực, khách hàng có thể yên tâm sẽ được nhận ưu đãi từ chủ đầu tư. Thời gian dự án park vista tiếp cận với thị trường cũng là lúc các dự án khác đang gấp rút triển khai giai đoạn chào bán. Ấy vậy nhưng sức hút của Dự án Park Vista là không thể chối cãi được. Có một lượng lớn khách hàng đặt chỗ và giữ chỗ tại dự án. Hệ thống giao th

Ready Player One

Ernest Cline’s “ Ready Player One ” is a book filled with references to video games, virtual reality, ’80s pop-culture trivia, geek heroes like E. Gary Gygax, and funny-sounding cult items like Frobozz and Raaka-Tu. Yet it works for people who like books without pictures too. Mr. Cline is photographed on the jacket standing in front of an open-flapped DeLorean, like the one in “Back to the Future.” He looks a bit like the filmmaker Kevin Smith, one of the few people on the planet who may be capable of catching all of Mr. Cline’s geekoid references. (Mr. Cline himself wrote the screenplay for the 2009 film “Fanboys,” about unusually fanatical “Star Wars” devotees.) Another is the science-fiction writer John Scalzi, who has aptly referred to “Ready Player One” as a “nerdgasm.” There can be no better one-word description of this ardent fantasy artifact about fantasy culture. With its Pac-Man-style cover graphics and vintage Atari mind-set “ Ready Player One ” certainly looks like a genr

Here Are Some Great Acne Eliminating Tips

Here Are Some Great Acne Eliminating Tips Teenagers are not the only ones affected by acne. It is possible to rectify acne problems following this article. You can diminish the unwanted effects of acne by educating yourself and treating it in the appropriate way. If you suffer from serious acne, try taking a zinc supplement or a daily vitamin containing zinc. A zinc supplement should be taken about two or three times a day in small doses. Zinc is a mineral that can help your body reduce the number of acne breakouts you suffer. To help keep acne away try to keep your hands away from your face. Our hands stay dirty. When you touch your face you are putting bacteria and dirt on your face which has the potential to clog your skin's pores. The dirt and bacteria that clogs the pores can lead to pimples. A paste of cinnamon and honey can be beneficial as an acne treatment. Combine ground cinnamon with a dab of honey to form a paste and apply it to the acne. Cinnamon is a natural antisepti

How I Got Rid Of My Acne Fast

How I Got Rid Of My Acne Fast Have you ever looked in the mirror and found that your entire face is covered with acne? Maybe your problem is on a smaller scale and it's just one small zit that is going to ruin your evening. Whatever your problem with acne, all you really want to do is get rid of it. There are so many methods out there that it can make your head spin reviewing them all. Which ones work best? Which ones work fastest? In this article we will discuss some of the most popular tricks and tips that can help you get rid of your acne problems. If you have acne and long hair or bangs you need to keep your hair away from and off of your face. The oil in your hair will get on your face and cause or contribute to any breakouts. It's also best to wash your hair at least everyday and also after working out. A rather smelly method of reducing acne involves garlic. Simply, place chopped garlic cloves in water and stir. Apply to affected areas of the face, and let sit for 10 min

Tired Of Acne? Learn How To Make It Go Away

Tired Of Acne? Learn How To Make It Go Away Acne can be a serious medical condition. Not only does it look bad, but it is painful and also hurts personal confidence. If you have bad acne and want to learn how to manage it, then this article is for you. There are several easy suggestions that can help you reduce and control your acne outbreaks. Cucumbers are a great natural remedy for acne. Cucumbers can provide hydration to dry skin and calm irritation and inflammation caused by acne. To get the full benefits of cucumbers, cut the cucumber into slices and apply them to the skin, allowing them to sit for 20-25 minutes. Use this in addition to other treatments for maximum results. You should defiantly avoid greasy foods. Things like pizza and hamburgers will cause a large buildup of acne. The grease on the food gets on your hands and eventually into your pores, which can cause a bacterial infection. The end result can be that it causes breakouts of acne. If you are using all of the over

Get Rid Of Acne And Have Beautiful Skin

Get Rid Of Acne And Have Beautiful Skin Acne is not the worst thing that can happen to somebody. There are in fact many things much worse than acne that one can suffer from. However some people may feel differently about their acne and want to rid themselves of it. For those people they have found the right article full of helpful tips and ideas. Did you know that acne can be caused by allergies? Allergies are a natural reaction that your immune system uses to fight off something that is trying to work it's way to inside your body. The problem is, your body can sometimes end up fighting things it just doesn't need to, because it was incorrectly programmed to do so. An allergy specialist can help by testing to find what allergies you do have. It could be something simple, such as dairy, or it could be more complex such as the paraffin wax in your hairspray. If your allergies are bad enough, an allergist can even give you shots that help to reprogram you body so that it no longer

Learn How To Live Without Pimples And Zits

Learn How To Live Without Pimples And Zits Acne is a problem that nobody wants to deal with, but that nearly everyone must deal with a some time. If you understand what causes acne and how to combat its formation, you can keep your skin looking healthy. Follow these tips to be on your way to healthy skin. Sliced or grated cucumber applied directly to problem areas can be a great treatment for acne. In the same way that cucumber helps tighten up skin around the eyes, it can reduce the size of enlarged pores as well as hydrate the skin. Apply the cucumber and leave it on for about 15 minutes for maximum benefit. If you are an acne sufferer, try not to wash your face excessively. Any more than three times daily, and you run the risk of making the problem worse. Wash your face in warm water, using a mild soap. Gently pat your skin dry. This will prevent the acne-causing bacteria from spreading, lessening future breakouts. Extreme temperatures can also cause acne. You tend to sweat more whe